Our professional fitting services are INCLUDED at no additional charge only on bikes that are purchased from Bike Authority.
Our fitting services can now also be purchased for bikes NOT purchased at Bike Authority for a fee.
Why is professional and science based fitting important?
Pain isn't "normal." However, many believe that the pain between your shoulders, saddle-induced numbness, or aching knees and back is just part of cycling. Eliminating discomfort and improving pedaling efficiency is an integral part of the fitting process. Our goal is to make your riding experience more rewarding by examining every aspect of your cycling comfort and efficiency. If your body is not in biomechanical alignment with the mechanics of the bike, energy is wasted due to inefficient power transfer. Numerous cyclists from beginner leisure cyclist to elite riders are comfortable but unaware that their bike position is bio-mechanically inefficient. It is also common to waste energy due to lack of core stability, poor flexibility, incorrect saddle height and position, poor pedaling technique and poor cleat placement. It is the most in-depth series of fitting services available anywhere in Ohio and caters to beginners as well as professional athletes.
"I've been to a lot of bike stores in deciding which bike to buy. I came back to Bike Authority because they were the only ones to discuss fitting from the get go, and use it as part of the process to help me decide which bike I should buy"
- Laura W. (Cleveland)
Our Bike Fitting Methods, Certifications and Technologies
Bike Fitting is not a new thing for us like in some shops. We have been performing professional bike fitting services since we opened 25 years ago and to date have performed about 16,000 fittings. Our master fitter has been doing this at our store since 1994. We have methodology certifications from 4 different schools, and are the ONLY store in the region to fully evaluate riding application, anatomical measurement, full pedal power output and angular balance, as well as pressure mapping. We let science and data optimize your performance and comfort. We guarantee our fittings for life on bikes purchased here. If you are going to invest in a bike, why not let science determine the machine that will deliver optimum performance for your investment.
Professional Bike Fitting and Power Analysis always included with Bike Purchase!
F.I.S.T. Professional Measurement: $349.99
This Professional Analysis is a triathlon bicycle specific fitting. It is performed by a F.I.S.T certified fit professional. Trained by instructors at Slowtwich and Dan Empfield. We use your actual bike to determine the right seat angle, hip angle, knee angle and arm angle while in aerobars. A spinscan is used to measure power and pedaling efficiency. Saddle Pressure Mapping included. This evaluation is included FREE with every new road, triathlon or mountain bike purchase over $2,000 at Bike Authority.
Visit the SlowTwitch website for more information.
Standard Measurement: $349.99
The Standard Analysis calculates the ideal bicycle size and position of the cyclist. With the aid of a computer drawing each client can make a justified choice of which new bicycle fits. The Standard Analysis takes into account foot length, inseam, torso length, arm length, shoulder width, sole thickness, pedal height, and saddle type. Saddle Pressure Mapping included. This evaluation is included FREE with every new road, triathlon, or mountain bike bike purchase over $2,000 at Bike Authority.
Precision Fit Saddle Pressure Mapping: $149.99
Pressure mapping is the latest tool in the arsenal of Bike Authority's highly-trained cycling analysts to help determine your optimum riding position, saddle selection, shoe and cleat setup.
At Bike Authority, we’ve observed the development of pressure mapping with interest and have recently formed a technology partnership with GebioMized. We have integrated the GebioMized system into our fitting process, enabling us to accurately measure pressure and better visualize the rider’s contact with the saddle. Combined with our knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, pressure mapping provides objective feedback, enabling us to make small, precise adjustments and interventions to optimize your connection with the bike and making it possible to:
Improve cycling performance
Choose the most appropriate saddle
Most riders would like to improve their cycling performance. Choosing the appropriate saddle can improve stability, economy and alignment. Pressure mapping provides objective feedback about where and how the rider sits, aiding our cycling analysts as they choose a saddle which matches your riding style and encourages good posture, thereby improving muscle activation and efficiency by reducing extraneous movement
Position saddle for optimal posture
The potential of many excellent saddles is ruined by poor positioning. As little as 2 degrees of movement can modify poor posture to provide more comfort and better muscle activation. Pressure mapping allows our fitters to make precise adjustments and record their results in order to optimize the riders posture and performance.
Improve cycling comfort
Reduce saddle discomfort
Many riders struggle with saddle discomfort, often caused by areas of high pressure as a result of incorrect saddle choice or positioning. Pressure mapping takes the guesswork out of saddle choice, allowing us to accurately measure how pressure is distributed on the saddle to objectively determine which saddle and position will result in the most significant increases in comfort and performance. Moving the saddle just 5mm can result in significant improvements.
Eliminate numbness in saddle area
Numbness affects many cyclists and is often a result of poor saddle choice and position. Our Cyclefit analysts use their anatomical knowledge, combined with pressure mapping technology, to choose a saddle, position and advise on a posture which will unload sensitive nerve tissue. This can significantly alleviate and even eliminate numbness issues when riding.
To make a Saddle Pressure Mapping booking please use our Online Booking system.
Our Fit Studio

Meet the Full Time Professional Fitters
Mike Vanucci
- Former Ohio State Time Trial champion
- Cat II Road Racer
- USCF Level 3 Coach
- Certified Wobblenaught Fit Specialist
- Certified F.I.S.T. (Slowtwitch) Fit Specialist
Sean Gilbert
- Bachelor of Science - Human Movement Studies, Minor Athletic Training
- Masters of Arts - Cleveland State University, Exercises Science
- Certified Cyclops Power Training Systems
- USA Cycling Level 3 Coach
- NSCA, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (pending)